Hello world Chris K. Kim, PhD is a user-focused software developer in pursuit of using technology to facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations and address today's talent gap in digital media.

Trained in media production and information visualization, Chris works with institutional stakeholders, including University of Toronto, DARPA, and MIT, to build platforms that democratize AI and promote human-in-the-loop automation.

Chris also operates a software studio GoodCodeClub, where he works with emerging talents in promoting underserved communities and facilitating youth entrepreneurship.

More from Chris Curriculum Vitae Academic profile
LinkedIn Professional profile
GoodCodeClub Web development studio

Recent Projects LectureApp Text editor for lecture prep
Nuville Augmented walking game
Partial Online art marketplace

Developer Specialties Web Application Development Commercial and experimental
Interactive Visualization Large-scale data and AI
Human-in-the-Loop Automation Data mining and pipeline optimization

Instructor Specialties Curriculum Design Course design and content creation
Remote Course Delivery Lecture, troubleshooting, and archiving
Planning and Research Wider policy consulting

Recent Affiliations RobustAI Software engineer
George Brown College Course architect and lecturer
OCAD University Contract lecturer and postdoc
University of Toronto User interface designer
Stevens Institute of Technology Application engineer
SRI International Interface designer
Ryerson University Course architect and lecturer

Active Locations Toronto, Canada
New York City, USA
San Francisco, USA

Contact Information contact@chriskkim.com
Meeting calendar (YouCanBook.me)